We are facing an unprecedented time in our history, and now is the time to be there for one another.
Elexicon Energy understands we are a critical and essential service for 168,000-plus customers in parts of Durham Region and beyond. People rely on us to power their homes and businesses, and we take our role to deliver safe and reliable electricity seriously.
We want to reassure our customers that we are – and always have been – committed to providing a reliable hydro system and ensuring it remains stable. During this time, we are focused on essential services, and have suspended all non-critical planned work and planned outages across our entire service territory.
We have also suspended all electricity disconnections until further notice. If you are concerned about paying your bill, are experiencing hardship or have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, please call us to discuss extended bill payment options and financial assistance programs. We are here to help and support you.
Elexicon Energy is mindful that customers have concerns over electricity costs during this very difficult time. We do not have the authority to revise time of use rates, however, we are working very closely with the Ministry of Energy to review options available to customers across the province.
For news and updates on our COVID-19 efforts, and information on bill payment options and financial assistance programs, visit us at elexiconenergy.com or call us at 1-888-420-0070.
Please take care and be safe.
Lesley Gallinger
President & CEO