With environmental topics top of mind for many people, you are probably looking for ways to reduce your energy consumption, as well as save money. A smart meter can help with both.
A smart meter is a digital electricity meter that measures how much electricity you use and when you use it.
Smart meters track your electricity usage hourly and send this data wirelessly to your utility company, allowing you to take advantage of pricing programs like Time-of-Use billing.
Using a smart meter can give you more control over your energy consumption and better manage your usage, so you can adjust your habits to save money on your electricity bill. With Time-of-Use billing, you can plan electricity-consuming tasks such as cooking, laundry, and drying clothes at off-peak times when rates are lower.
With a smart meter, you can track your usage online throughout the month. All of Elexicon’s meters are tested and verified through Measurement Canada’s strict guidelines.
For more information visit: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/mc-mc.nsf/eng/Home
Smart metering technology is safe. Radio frequencies produced by smart meter systems are not harmful and the energy produced is similar to Wi-Fi networks, wireless baby monitors, mobile phones, microwaves, or garage door openers.
The Government of Canada also has resources about smart metering: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/everyday-things-emit-radiation/smart-meters.html