Elexicon Energy is committed to facilitating the connection of customer owned generation equipment as required by the Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) Distribution System Code.
This equipment, called Distributed Energy Resources, can be connected in the following three ways:
This option allows you to generate electricity for your own use through a renewable source (wind, water, solar radiation or agricultural biomass).
Net metering allows you to send electricity generated from renewable energy technologies to Elexicon’s distribution system for a credit towards your electricity costs. Excess generation credits can be carried forward for a consecutive 12 month period to offset future electricity costs.
This option allows you to generate electricity to offset your existing home power demand. The total generation output must be less than the load consumption to ensure zero net power output into the utility grid. Any excess generation would not be credited to you.
You can install generator equipment to provide backup power to your home. These generators are not to be operated in parallel with the utility grid. The transition from utility source to the backup generator can be an open transition (no parallel) or momentary closed transition (<100 ms parallel).
To install a backup generator, please contact us:
The legacy microFIT/FIT Programs support the adoption of renewable electricity projects at a distributed level. Generators are guaranteed prices for energy output over a 20-year term.
These programs are no longer available to new applications. If an existing project contract reaches its end, you have the option to contact Elexicon and apply again through the Net Metering option.
To transfer ownership of an existing generation account under the FIT/microFIT programs, please contact the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). The current owner/supplier can initiate the transfer through IESO’s Beacon portal or contact IESO by email at microfit.contract@ieso.ca
If you have payment or billing issues with your existing contract, please contact Elexicon’s Customer Care department at customercare@elexiconenergy.com
For more information about how to connect various generation options, contact Elexicon:
For Nameplate capacity equal or less than 10kW (“Micro Generation”) dservices@elexiconenergy.com
For Nameplate capacity greater than 10kW
The process is governed by regulated financial settlements with the Local Distribution Company (LDC) in accordance with the Retail Settlement Code (RSC). A generator customer can enter into a contract directly with the Independent Electricity Supply Operator (IESO) for sale of renewable energy.
Elexicon Energy supports the incorporation of these generation facilities within the electrical distribution system in its service territory. The process is guided by the latest revision of the Distribution System Code (DSC) issued by the Ontario Energy Board. The Code sets out the minimum obligations that a licensed electricity distributor (such as a LDC) must meet in carrying out its obligations. The latest revision of the Code can be found on the official website of the OEB under Industry Relations/Rules, Codes, Guidelines and Codes.
Generators of electricity are divided into different sizes in accordance with the DSC.
Generator Classification | Generator Size | Available Programs |
Micro | < = 10 kW | Micro-Generation |
Small | > = 10 kW and < = 1 MW | Generation Over 10kW |
Mid-Sized | > = 500 kW and < = 10 MW | Generation Over 10kW |
Large | > 10 MW | Generation Over 10kW |
Elexicon will apply its Conditions of Service for any generation interconnection costs and/or any metering changes that Elexicon deems necessary to allow for settlement purposes under a specific program.
The process below is required for all new micro-generation, net metered applications < 10kW. For projects over 10kW, do not follow the process below and instead contact planning@elexiconenergy.com for review.
The customer completes and sends the package back by email to dservices@elexiconenergy.com