image - Indrani (Indy) J. Butany

Indrani (Indy) J. Butany

President and Chief Executive Officer

What does International Women’s Day (IWD) mean to you?

International Women's Day has become a date to celebrate how far women have come in society, politics and in economics. As a female leader of colour in 2024, IWD is important to me as it is the opportunity to pause and reflect on that despite barriers and challenges, we continue to succeed in the fight for equality - but also, and perhaps more importantly, it is a time to take stock of how much more there is to do.

According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2023, which measures scores from 0 to 100 on the distance covered towards parity (i.e. the percentage of the gender gap that has been closed), it is clear there is much more road ahead, as North America ranks second, having closed 75% of the gap, which is sadly 1.9 percentage points lower than the previous edition. While Canada has declined by a 0.2 percentage-point in the overall parity score since the last edition, the United States has seen a reduction of 2.1 percentage points. At the current rate of progress, 95 years will be needed to close the gender gap for North America. Too many years in my eyes.

Specifically in STEM (science, technology, energy and mathematics) fields, where jobs are well-paid and growing, women are still underrepresented. While they make up nearly half of non-STEM workers, only around 29% of STEM workers are women. Though more female STEM graduates are entering the workforce, many don't stay long-term. At entry-level, women represent about 29%, but this drops significantly in leadership roles, with only 17.8% as Vice Presidents and 12.4% in the C-suite. As we undergo an energy transition in Ontario, the need for STEM workers and trades roles to be filled is at an all-time high, and we hope women can seize these opportunities and contribute their skills and perspectives. It's crucial to ensure equal opportunities for women in these roles, not just for fairness, but also to benefit from the diverse talents and ideas they bring. Encouraging and supporting women in STEM careers will not only help bridge the gender gap but also drive innovation and progress in our evolving energy landscape.

What has been the greatest achievement in your career?

The greatest achievement of my career thus far has been the ability to create high functioning exceptional teams that work together cohesively and that support one another to achieve success. Additionally, I have been mindful of the guidance of one of my mentors early in my career to “pay it forward”. As a result, I also believe that my other great achievement has been the opportunity to guide and mentor younger leaders to believe in themselves; to “get out of their own way” in order to be successful, and, to be resilient and strive to reach their full potential.

Why is it important to #InspireInclusion and to continue to work towards gender equality?

The IWD theme #inspireinclusion is extremely important to me because it recognizes that there is a need to embrace the diversity around us, and ensure fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all.

Many of us have seen the image of three individuals watching a game where there is a fence that is a barrier. Each individual is getting the same box to support them to see the game equally. However, the subsequent image is one where the box varies in size to ensure that they can each see the game. That is equity. One individual is tall enough to see the game unaided whereas the other two individuals need support. I would hope we can all ensure that each of us would have the kind of box (support) that allows them to enjoy the game to their fullest potential, i.e., what each individual needs specifically for their support.

The further step that I would like to see is how you view the game – which would not be through a non-opaque fence, i.e., the cause of the inequity has been addressed which is parallels to removing systemic barriers.

I have both seen and experienced inequities throughout my career. In the roles that I have held and the position I currently hold, I am focused on ensuring that we hire diverse candidates, mentoring and sponsoring others, and encouraging the voices of all in meetings. I need to use my access and share the voice of those not in the room. Equity is the only acceptable goal. #InspireInclusion.

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